
Customer Testimonials

My week is incomplete without taking Leia's class. Her friendship
and her teachings have become part of my everyday life and I can't thank her enough for helping me both physically and mentally. Every time I leave her class I feel rejuvenated!

by Cindy

Leia's class is so much fun and relaxing! I'm 9 years old and take it
with both boys and girls around my age. By the end of her class,
I go home and have the BEST night sleep.

by Hunter

It is relaxing, fun and calming. I love going to yoga!

by Nicky, 10 years old

Leia is a rare gem; she is a patient, skilled teacher, and a
warm and funny friend who cares about her students health and
happiness. My kids have been taking classes with her for many years, and it has helped them so much in terms of meditation, flexibility and strength (especially for athletes!) An absolute must. they liked it so much that I set up a semi-private class for myself with a friend. We both look forward to that time together so much. Leia is the absolute best!!!

by Priya

Every week I look forward to my teen yoga class because it helps me relieve stress and relax. I especially love the lavender at the end of class and would highly recommend the class to anyone who is interested!

by Bec, 15 years old

Liz loves your class, she can't wait until yoga starts up again.
Daughter Liz attends my tween class

by Ellen Michaels

The kid classes are awesome! !! My daughter loves yoga because of you! Daughter, Molly 7 yrs old attends my Yogakids class

by Lori Dostis Cohen

Best kid yoga teacher. Aayan loves coming to class!!!
Aayan, 7yrs old attends my Yogakids class

by Ninfa Mehta

I love the gentle adult yoga class. As a full time working Mom it is very hard to find a class that fits my schedule. By 8pm though, the homework is done and my daughter has been fed and washed and is ready for bed. My husband can take over from there! I enjoy the entire class, the stretching is wonderful for my back. I have lower back issues and knowing Leia's medical training and years of experience in both medicine and yoga make me feel confident and at ease about which yoga positions I can safely do. I am much more flexible now and my back has definitely improved. I feel very peaceful and serene after the class. I think of this class as a much needed gift to myself and recommend it to all my friends.

by Michelle Dank

I love doing all the yoga poses. My favorite poses are wheel and dancer's pose. Dr. Leia is very intelligent and teaches us alot about yoga and different animals and cultures during class. It feels spectacular doing yoga!! I really love when we get to put eye pillows on our eyes and relax in savasana pose.

by Emily Chen age 7 1/2

You are the 'awesomest' teacher Ms. Leia. I feel very good when I do the poses. My favorite yoga pose is pigeon just like my Mom. We do fun poses in yoga class and I love to stretch. I don't like crow pose because I find it difficult to do. I finally can do full lotus pose and I feel happy about that.

by Dawn Dank age 7 3/4

Dear Mommy Leia, You are the Best yoga teacher and Mom in the world. You are so creative and a fun spirit.

Love, Nicolette-Marie age 7